Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Quarter 1 Independent Reading

For Ms. Romano's 4 English AP - Literature and Composition

To start off this blog, I'd like to note that it is, at it's foundation, an extended English assignment. My task for this quarter involves reading a novel of my choice, actively processing what I read, and making a number of posts expressing my thoughts as I progress through the text. While I did not create this blog of my own volition, I am looking forward to working on it and I think that the blog format is a great way of enticing students to invest some of their personality in their writing. After all these are our blogs (although ETHS manages the Google accounts...) and they reflect the work we put into our English class at the least, and our education at the most. Plus, it's always more fun to do things your own way when you get the opportunity, right?

Passing that necessarily introductory paragraph, here's what I'll be reading and posting about between now and (hopefully, since it also coincides with certain college app deadlines) October 14th: 

The Sun Also Rises
by Ernest Hemingway

I've read several chapters through already and I'd like to get to the actually assigned posts now, so I'll ask you fine, obliging readers to excuse my brief conclusion as I move on to begin digging into this literary analysis.

Note: Just because I'm interested in the reading and the blogging, doesn't mean that I won't procrastinate obstinately throughout the process. Three cheers for time management!

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